QTH Testimonials

This page displays 10 random testimonials submitted to QTH Hosting. REFRESH this page to see more testimonials.

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We do all of our hosting with QTH.com. I have never seen a business with more professional and personal service. I recommend QTH.com without hesitation!

Bob Lindner, Web Developer / Owner

Your great customer service is a big reason why I switched to you from ValueWeb.

Mary Charles Blakebrough

Service, support and functionality in general from QTH.com are truly top-notch and professional in every aspect. Customer support comes from real experience, while being refreshing and suprisingly responsive. Definitely a needle in a haystack.

Dan Simmonds KK3AN

I have a number of websites at QTH.COM. Their customer service is quick and knowledgeable when you need it. Highly recommended.

John Rice, SUHFARS

QTH Hosting is the best!

QTH Hosting is the best!

I've been using QTH.com for over 8 years now and have never had a single problem -- absolutely responsive and reliable. Domain purchasing is cheap and simple, DNS setup is very easy, and web & email hosting comes with more features than most will ever need.

Chris Haas

I'm writing to say how pleased I am with QTH.com's web hosting service - which has been, and continues to be, absolutely trouble free.

John - HK3C

Over the five years I've been a QTH.com customer, you have been very responsive to my questions and accommodating to my hosting interests and needs. Thanks for putting together a great service at a great price!

Ethan Miller, K8GU

I utilized your tutorials and instructions to upload my website. It was actually very easy! I'm migrating from MobileMe and should have moved the hosting to QTH sooner.

Jeff Ward

You are the first web hosting provider I have had in years that I have been happy with!

John Sherman

Your service is great and your price is unbelievable. Thank you!

Bob Lancer, Parenting Solutions